We have created the reference J4935 in our "Balancing trails" range. This module is accessible from 6 years. It can accommodate up to 20 users.

The size of the module is: 17.56 m length, 11.17 m width, 2.80 m. high. The free fall height (FFH) is 2.80 m.

18 play functions

Climbing x2
Climbing develops the child's motor and psychomotor skills as they balance and deliberate to progress in their movement.
Hanging x1
This fun activity allows children to explore new ways of playing, of managing space, height and empty space below.
Balancing x6
Balancing involves learning to manage empty space in activities at height, when hanging or on narrow surfaces.
Climbing x1
Climbing promotes dexterity, balance and coordination of movements. On the way up, the child learns to deal with height and space.
getting across
Getting across x8
Successfully traversing promotes self-confidence and motivates the child to undertake more complex movements.
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Age range: 6+
Number of users: 20 users
FFH : 2.80 m
Size: 17.56 x 11.17 x 2.80 m

Equipment installation

Number of installers: 2
Installation time: 10:50:00
Concrete volume: 0.90 m3
Surface: 108.00 m2
Total weight: 857.86 kg
Weight of the heaviest element: 250.00 kg

Environmental Indicators



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The products in our catalogues all comply with current European standards and are TÜV approved. Our website offers many additional configurations for which Proludic certifies compliance.
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