වල ගුණාත්මකභාවය Proludic products has been recognised for over 30 years.

නිර්මාණ අපගේ නවෝත්පාදන උපාය මාර්ගයේ හරය වන අතර තාක්ෂණික ප්‍රමිතීන්ට අනුකූල වන නව, නව්‍ය, විනෝදජනක නිෂ්පාදන ඔබට පිරිනැමීමට අපි නිරතුරුවම අපගේ නිර්මාණශීලිත්වය භාවිතා කරන්නෙමු!

As with many companies that are famous for their expertise and creativity, imitations and copies of Proludic products are regularly offered on the market. These imitations and copies do not offer the same quality guarantees that Proludic සපයයි. 

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Consequently, any reproduction, representation, modification, adaptation, offer for sale, purchase, sale, distribution, and in general any act of exploitation of Proludic’s creations and trademarks is strictly forbidden, unless Proludic has given prior written authorisation.

Any infringement of Proludic’s rights constitutes an act of infringement and/or unfair competition and/or parasitism exposing its author to civil and/or penal consequences.