Attività di ghjocu per ogni zitellu è piacè per tutti

I zitelli ùn ghjucanu micca à amparà, ma amparanu perchè ghjucanu.
With this philosophy in mind, Proludic has over 35 years’ experience in designing and manufacturing playgrounds and sports areas that actively contribute towards children’s physical development and which satisfy their need to grow and thrive by helping nurture and reinforce their emotional, sensory and cognitive abilities, as well as their creativity and sociability. Our dedicated sports and gym areas allow teenagers and adults to improve their well-being and increase their fitness in a friendly and dynamic environment, while promoting inclusion and building stronger social ties.

Cù una gamma di 1,200 prudutti è 100,000 parchi di ghjocu è spazii sportivi attrezzati in u mondu, Proludic is the preferred partner for autorità lucali, lingua, architetti è paisaghjistichi, campings e centri commerciali. A cumpagnia hè guidata da a so missione di trasfurmà e spazii di ghjocu in centri suciali chì prumove è rinfurzà a vita di a cumunità per via di soluzioni innovative, di alta qualità, sicure, inclusive è universali.

Bearing testament to its constant creative streak and its ability to deliver effective, reliable and top-tier support and guidance, Proludic fulfils the needs and desires of all local and regional stakeholders. Its fully bespoke solutions address their requirements for diversity and attractive urban design projects, while satisfying the sports needs of the youngest generation and the global desire for areas capable of fostering social cohesion.

Proludic’s playgrounds and sports areas comply with European standards governing safety, reliability and durability. The company’s products are available worldwide through its 7 subsidiaries and 50 or so exclusive distributors. Un tali successu hè a prova di a ricunniscenza di u sapè fà francese dimustratu da a cumpagnia, chì hà centralizatu tutti i so prucessi di produzzione in u core di a Val di Loira.

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